Welcome to the Supreme Court of Georgia’s Committee on Justice for Children (J4C) web home for the Court Process Reporting System (CPRS). All court stakeholders can find useful resources on this website. And if you cannot find your answer here, just contact us directly.


More timely, accurate information helps you perform your work, protecting those children who need our help the most. Nightly, CPRS downloads the current case plan from DFCS and makes that information available to you. Research cases and monitor progress on those cases; interact with other stakeholders and the courts more effectively. Oh, and it’s free to you.

“CPRS2 is a time-saver. CASAs can check case plan progress at any time anywhere they have an Internet connection. Gone are the days where a CASA had to arrange an appointment with the caseworker to review a case plan, drive over to the DFCS office, and spend time thumbing through 3-ring binders until they found the information needed. – CASA Volunteer Coordinator

Since I’m in CPRS researching cases, can I save my own work in CPRS?
What else can I find in CPRS?

Record your own findings and reports within CPRS. Make them available to others quickly and securely. CPRS will store & backup your data for you. CPRS can serve as your central portal for all information pertinent to a given case. Courts are storing Court Orders in CPRS now; access them online.

“I just want to say I know I was reluctant to try CPRS but we love it.” – DFCS Director

How do we work?

CPRS originated from ideas and requests of those who need this information every day. 100% of our new features come from you, our users. Keep them coming.

“CPRS2 allows me to review panel reports and case plans… It also allows me to retrieve information outside DFCS business hours and when I am away from my office. I have found CPRS2 to be a convenient tool in my work representing the Department..” – SAAG